Latte in Festa - Alpe Cimbra

Dove: Trentino Alto Adige / Trento

An itinerary based on the knowledge and tasting of dairy products typical of the Alpe Cimbra territory, to allow adults and children to experience the world of milk up close: you can learn about our mountains, the life of our mountain pastures, the production of milk, cheese and its derivatives according to ancient methods and in particular Vezzena cheese.

Many events await you: you will be able to follow the entire journey of milk, from milking to cheese through walks, meetings, tastings, milking, a thousand occasions in which the white gold of the mountains will be the master.

Latte in Festa - Alpe Cimbra

Dove si svolge Latte in Festa - Alpe Cimbra?

L'evento si svolge a Lavarone - Parco Palù di Lavarone - 38046 Lavarone (TN)

Quando si svolge Latte in Festa - Alpe Cimbra?

Periodo / giorno di svolgimento: July 06, 2024 - July 07, 2024

Chi organizza o promuove Latte in Festa - Alpe Cimbra?

L'ente promotore / l'organizzatore dell'evento è Associazione Donne in Campo del Trentino

Dove si possono trovare altre informazioni su Latte in Festa - Alpe Cimbra?

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