Palio del Velluto a Leonessa

Dove: Lazio / Rieti

When six wards take the field, to vie for a red velvet banner, where are we? In Leonessa, of course.
Just a stone's throw from Rome and on the border with Umbria, there where nature, history and art compose a picture of art!
Here in June, as tradition dictates, the Palio del Velluto.

Amidst games and competitions, always highly engaging, the Sesti, or the six districts into which Leonessa was divided after its founding: Corno, Forcamelone, Poggio, Croce, Terzone and Torre vie for the banner. The districts take their names from the six castles that gave rise to the city, merging in 1278 under Carlo d'Angiò. Of the Palio, news dates back to the 1500s. It was thanks to the Camerlengo's books that we have an authentic record of it today. In fact, it is known that the Palio was carried out continuously from 1464 to 1557, until, following scuffles of a considerable magnitude, it was interrupted only to be resumed in 1997.

Palio del Velluto a Leonessa

Dove si svolge Palio del Velluto a Leonessa?

L'evento si svolge a Leonessa, Piazza VII Aprile - Piazza VII Aprile 28 - 02016 Leonessa (RI)

Quando si svolge Palio del Velluto a Leonessa?

Periodo / giorno di svolgimento: June 28, 2024 - June 30, 2024

Chi organizza o promuove Palio del Velluto a Leonessa?

L'ente promotore / l'organizzatore dell'evento è Ente Palio

Dove si possono trovare altre informazioni su Palio del Velluto a Leonessa?

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