Sagra del Mirto di Telti

Dove: Sardegna / Sassari

The Mirto Festival in Telti, an event that has been welcoming tourists from all corners of the island for many years, is back again. Record attendance, high-quality shows, and exhibitors who are increasingly focused not only on quality but also on promoting the territory from which the precious purple berry is harvested.

A weekend dedicated to tastings and the exploration of myrtle-derived products. This ancient tradition was revitalized twenty-eight years ago by a group of enthusiasts, establishing this unmissable tourist event.

The event is organized by the Pro Loco of Telti, with the invaluable collaboration of the Municipality of Telti, various groups, associations, and many volunteers.

Sagra del Mirto di Telti

Here are the dates to mark on your calendar: August 9-11, 2024, when the 29th edition of the Mirto Festival in Telti returns.

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Dove si svolge Sagra del Mirto di Telti?

L'evento si svolge a Telti - Telti (SS)

Quando si svolge Sagra del Mirto di Telti?

Periodo / giorno di svolgimento: August 09, 2024 - August 11, 2024

Chi organizza o promuove Sagra del Mirto di Telti?

L'ente promotore / l'organizzatore dell'evento è Pro Loco e Comune di Telti

Dove si possono trovare altre informazioni su Sagra del Mirto di Telti?


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