Dove: Trentino Alto Adige / Trento

In July in Riva del Garda (TN) there is Sardelada, a traditional summertime festival where you can taste lake sardines.

Lake sardine, also called agon, is a very abundant fish in Lake Garda. It was originally a marine species that seems to have come up the Po and Mincio rivers millennia ago entering Lake Garda. Later, perhaps due to a period of drought, it would not have been able to return to the sea and adapted to life in fresh water. Its meat is exquisite, somewhat less strong in flavor than that of the sea, and among the most prized of the Garda fish.


Dove si svolge Sardelada?

L'evento si svolge a Riva del Garda, parco del Brolio - Parco del Brolio - 38066 Riva del Garda (TN)

Quando si svolge Sardelada?

Periodo / giorno di svolgimento: July 13, 2024

Chi organizza o promuove Sardelada?

L'ente promotore / l'organizzatore dell'evento è Associazione Amici della Tirlindana Garda Trentino

Dove si possono trovare altre informazioni su Sardelada?

Sito web:


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